Friday, June 12, 2020

Trump: "We Are Dominating The Streets With Compassion"

Of course. Trump defends everything his administration does because, as he often tells us, he has done everything right and never made a mistake. If anything goes wrong, it's someone else's fault.

Google "trump defends". It's amusing:
Trump Defends Controversial Photo Opportunity at Church ...
Trump Defends Controversial 'Shooting' Tweet, And White ...
Trump Defends Symbolism Of Photo-Op At St. John's Church ...
Trump Defends Confederacy – Again
Trump's history of defending Confederate 'heritage' despite ...
Trump defends use of hydroxychloroquine despite ...
Trump defends cops who shoved elderly man to ground ...
My 'decision to make': Trump defends criticized use of ...
Trump defends mail-in voting tweet, says withholding funds ...
Trump Defends Using 'Chinese Virus' Label, Ignoring Growing ...
Trump defends decision not to wear a mask during factory tour ...
Trump defends demonstrators protesting social distancing ...
Trump calls people resisting lockdowns 'good people ...
Trump Defends His Coronavirus Record With Anger, and a ...
'There won't be defunding': Trump defends police system ...
Trump defends Pompeo over inspector general firing ...
Trump Defended Cuts to Public Health Agencies ...
Who is surprised an admitted sexual assaulter and rapist used the phrase "force with compassion"?

Other Shit

Trump Is Making Sure US Military Can Commit War Crimes
Without Fear Of Prosecution Or Punishment

Transition to Greatness!

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