Friday, June 12, 2020

Trump Says Abraham Lincoln Made A "Questionable" Decision When He Abolished Slavery

Somehow . . . every day, he gets a little worse.

It's remarkable.

More deranged. More unable to express a coherent thought. More delusional. More disassociated from realty. Even . . . more racist.

Donald Trump begins by saying the words he has been told to say, but then because he's "so violently self-absorbed" and needs everyone to know he is the best and smartest and most amazing, he keeps babbling and that's when his true feelings come sputtering out.

For example: "I don't like chokeholds ... I think the concept of chokehold sounds so innocent, so perfect."

As Vox's Zack Beauchamp writes:
The most relevant part here ... [is] the lack of empathy in the way he talks about the issue. The only world in which police using chokeholds could sound "innocent" or "perfect" is a world in which you don't think about what happens to people when they're literally being choked — or one where you assume that it won't happen to people like you. ...

Trump's thinking seems so deeply shaped by his sense of generalized police innocence, his unwillingness to really process the fact of racial discrimination in police use of force, that he's capable of saying out loud that chokeholds sound "innocent."
And then there is this . . . where Trump tells Harris Faulkner of Fox News that Abraham Lincoln made a "questionable" decision when he abolished slavery:
Trump: So I think I've done more for the Black community than any other president, and let's take a pass on Abraham Lincoln because he did good, although it's always questionable, you know, in other words, the end result —

Faulkner (interrupting): Well, we are free, Mr. President, so I think he did pretty well.

Trump (mindlessly repeating): We are free.
Harris Faulker knew Trump was talking about ending slavery. That's why she cut him off and said bluntly: "Well, we are free."

"Honest Abe, As We Call Him"


A Lynching In California?

1 comment:

  1. I think the last Poll I heard about said 4% of "this much helped black community" was going to vote for Dump ..... no doubt they have issued letters of complaint that the 96% was just purely Radical Antifa Democrats !

    Deluded, Demented, Deranged

    The Beat goes on ......
