Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Trump Keeps Proving He Has No Relationship With Reality, Announcing US Is "Largely Through" With Pandemic. (Cases Are Increasing In 21 States.) This Is An Actual Quote: "We've Made Every Decision Correctly."

Donald Trump announced five days ago that, in the United States, the SARS-CoV-2 nightmare is over.

Trump claimed the US was now "largely through ... this horrible pandemic", adding "We're doing really well."

Trump also said this: "We've made every decision correctly."

Every decision. Correct! Every. Single. One. There was not even one incorrect decision made at any point. NONE! No mistakes.

New coronavirus cases are increasing in 21 states.

Trump was first informed about the virus in mid-November 2019. He received dozens of warnings in December 2019 and January 2020 from several intelligence agencies. In January, the National Security Council's biodefense experts urged Trump officials to consider what it would take to quarantine a city the size of Chicago. On January 22, Trump made his first public comments about the virus, and lied: "We have it totally under control."

Worried White House aides continually tried to get senior Trump officials to pay attention to the many warnings. Joe Grogan, the head of the White House Domestic Policy Council, argued the virus is likely to dominate US life for many months and could cost Trump his reelection. (Even that had no effect.)

"We've made every decision correctly."

On January 29, White House adviser Peter Navarro wrote a memo to Trump stating more than 500,000 American could die because of the virus. The next day, Trump lies, stating the situation is "going to have a very good ending".

On February 7, it's reported that the US has sent nearly 18 tons of medical supplies to China (those supplies could have saved many US lives). Trump lies throughout February, claiming "It's going to be fine" (February 10) and "It's going to work out fine" (February 19) and accusing the media of hyping the threat unnecessarily ("a hoax"). Trump lies several times about some bullshit personal theory that the warm weather in April will cause the virus to vanish "like a miracle".

"We've made every decision correctly."

On February 23, Navarro sends a second memo, warning of "a full-blown COVID-19 pandemic that could infect as many as 100 million Americans" and kill as many as two million Americans. The next day, Trump tweets (and lies): "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!" The day after that, the Army's National Center for Medical Intelligence raises its warning about a pandemic within 30 days to WATCHCON 1 ("imminent").

Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, says, on February 25: "We need to be preparing for significant disruption in our lives." Trump immediately complains that her comments are spooking the stock market and he lies the next day, promising that the 15 US cases "within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero".

"We've made every decision correctly."

On March 6, Trump lies: "Anybody that wants a test can get a test."

On March 10, Trump lies: "It will go away."

On March 11, Trump lies: "We're going to get through it very well."

On March 13, Trump declares a national emergency.

"We've made every decision correctly."

There have been more than 2,045,000 cases in the US.

More than 114,000 Americans have died in less than 3.5 months.
The virus is NOT going away. Several states are reported their highest number of new cases, highest number of hospitalizations, highest numbers of deaths. Not coincidentally, many states that "re-opened" early are on the list.

(Also, more than 42 million Americans have lost their jobs. That's roughly 25% of workers in the country.)

Since Memorial Day, more than a dozen states (and Puerto Rico) have recorded their highest averages of new cases since the pandemic began. In Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, California, Oregon, Arkansas, Mississippi, Utah, and Arizona, hospitalizations have been increasing over the last two weeks.

"We've made every decision correctly."

Texas was one of the first states to relax its stay-at-home orders - and has seen a 36% increase in new cases since Memorial Day. In 10 of the past 15 days, Texas's seven-day average of new cases has increased. This week, the state reported two consecutive days of record-breaking coronavirus hospitalizations.

Arizona also "re-opened" last month, with tourist sites packed over Memorial Day weekend. Hospitalizations for COVID-19 are up 49% since that time, including a record number of hospitalizations over the past few days. In 13 of the past 15 days, Arizona's seven-day average of new cases has increased. Last week, it was reported that ICUs in Arizona were nearing capacity.

"We've made every decision correctly."

In South Carolina, many entertainment venues, including zoos, aquariums, and water parks, were allowed to open the weekend before Memorial Day. In North Carolina, restaurants were allowed to open at reduced capacity and public pools at 50% capacity during the holiday weekend. Both states have seen a rise in hospitalizations, with North Carolina experiencing the second-largest spike in the nation (after Texas).

On May 26, North Carolina reported 621 hospitalizations; two weeks later, that number has climbed to 774. In South Carolina, hospitalizations sharply increased on Monday, with 30 new cases (a 6% jump). Twelve counties in South Carolina have reached a hospital capacity of 75% or higher.

Mississippi has seen hospitalizations increase 17% since Memorial Day and yesterday reported a new daily high of hospitalizations. New cases and hospitalizations are also on the rise in Utah, where over the last two weeks, hospitalizations more than doubled.

Trump is super-duper excited about starting his rallies again in the next two weeks. Not because it's safe, but because he's impatient (to cause the deaths of even more Americans). Campaign manager Brad Parscale promised "crowds and enthusiasm that sleepy Joe Biden can only dream of".

All this is happening - and the issue is completely absent from the government's radar.

"We've made every decision correctly."

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