Friday, June 05, 2020

The White House Is Hidden Behind Almost 2 Miles Of Metal Fencing And Concrete Barriers And Trump Is Celebrating: "Today Is The Greatest Comeback In American History." It's Also "A Great Day" For George Floyd.


The White House is currently surrounded by thick concrete barriers and 10-foot metal fences.

Thanks to Donald Trump's "baby gate", 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue now resembles "the monarchical palaces or authoritarian compounds of regimes in faraway lands".
My first thought was Trump is making the White House into a fortress because he does plan to leave office in January 2021 if he loses the election. These fences and concrete slabs will make it extremely difficult for American "terrorists" (in Trump's words) to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

There has always been plenty of protection at the White House. This is for later.

Meanwhile, venturing out of his bunker, Trump blurts out an incoherent, deranged word salad:

1 comment:

  1. "incoherent word salad" gave me an idea :

    Dump Salad - the salad you get, when you just grab any old shit from anywhere & mix it together !!!

    For me that may well be the Creature's only legacy
