Monday, June 29, 2020

The 6 Worst Days For New US Virus Cases Have Been The Last 6 Days (Nearly 11 Weeks After Trump Claimed Cases Had Peaked)

Donald Trump, April 15, 2020:
"Nationwide, we have passed the peak of new cases."

On the same day Trump made this pronouncement, the US recorded a record 30,521 new cases. That number was topped two days later, with 32,368 new cases. On April 24, the US again set a new mark, with 38,958 cases and a record number of deaths (3,179). The US also had more than 36,000 cases on May 1.

While cases declined during May and first half of June, they have been increasing lately. The numbers of new cases are declining in only two of the 50 states (Connecticut and Rhode Island).

June 19 was the first day since late April with more than 33,000 new cases. The US saw more than 40,000 new cases for the first time on June 25 and came close to 50,000 new cases the next day. The six days with the highest number of reported new cases have been the past six days:
June 24:  38,412 
June 25:  40,212 
June 26:  47,341 
June 27:  43,581 
June 28:  40,540 
June 29:  44,734
In the last week, there have been at least 4,149 American deaths from SARS-CoV-2. The US death toll is nearly 130,000.

Although the US has only 4% of the world's population, it accounts for 25.7% of the world's cases and 25.1% of the world's deaths.

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