Friday, June 26, 2020

Trump Is Unable To Answer When Asked By Fox News About His Second-Term Priorities

UPDATED: At bottom.

Last night, Fox's Sean Hannity asked Donald Trump what is at stake in the 2020 election and what are his priorities are for his second term.

Two open-goal questions from one of the most Trump-friendly guys on the planet.

And with only four months before the election, Trump could not give an answer.

He couldn't even phone in a bullshit answer. HE WAS STUMPED!!

If you hear in 131 days from now at some point in the night or early morning, "We can now project Donald J. Trump has been re-elected the 45th president of the United States" - let's talk. What's at stake in this election as you compare and contrast, and what are your top priority items for a second term?
Well, one of the things that will be really great -- you know, the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I've always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It's a very important meaning. I never did this before. I never slept in Washington. I was in Washington I think 17 times, all of a sudden I'm the president of the United States, you know the story, I'm riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I said, "This is great." But I didn't know very many people in Washington, it wasn't my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody. And I have great people in the administration. You make some mistakes like, you know, an idiot like Bolton, all he wanted to do is drop bombs on everybody. You don't have to drop bombs on everybody. You don't have to kill people.
And with that, Hannity moved on to his next question.

1 comment:

  1. DumpSalad strikes again !!!

    Dumpslation : I am hopelessly inept, demented & can no longer grasp simple concepts !

    120 000 plus would have liked to ask a question too .....
