Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Glory Be! Aunt Jemima Is "The Picture Of The American Dream"
(Trump Praises "Beautiful" Sentiment)

At a Trump rally yesterday in Arizona, Reagan Escudé told the Students For Trump that Aunt Jemima "was the picture of the American Dream". Escudé mourned, "Aunt Jemima was canceled," referring to the syrup company's decision to "re-brand" after 130 years.
Nancy Green, the original, first Aunt Jemima, was a freed slave who went on to be the face of the pancake syrup that we love and we have in our pantries today. She fought for equality, and now the leftist mob is trying to erase her legacy. And might I mention how privileged we are as a nation if our biggest concern is a bottle of pancake syrup.
Donald Trump called her comments "beautiful" and she thanked him for "never apologizing to the mob". ... Others disagreed with the idea that being a freed slave and on a pancake box was the American dream.

Author Kurt Eichenwald: "Aunt Jemima was a fictional character first created for a minstrel show by Chris Rutt, a popular racist from the late 19th Century who danced and sang in black face. Do ANY conservatives/Trumpers know ANYTHING about the topics they whine about?"
Actor Yvette Nicole Brown: "NO ONE I know is marching and protesting during a pandemic over #AuntJemima or pancakes."
Pancakes . . . Now Wif Racism

"The Whole Face Indicates Perfect Happiness"


Matthew Yglesias of Vox writes:
Election Day is still months away, but the current polling is painting a very bleak picture of President Donald Trump's odds of reelection.

On Wednesday morning, the New York Times released its latest national poll conducted in connection with Sienna College and it showed presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden with a massive 50-36 lead over Trump. As Nate Cohn, the Times's polling guru, noted in discussion of the poll on Twitter, that lead is so large it's essentially invulnerable to assumptions about the demographic composition of turnout. Trump in the Times poll has an extremely narrow 1-point lead with white voters, wins the 50-64 age bracket by 1 point, and is actually losing those over 64 by 2 points. With numbers like that, basically any level of youth and nonwhite turnout where Biden enjoys huge advantages would be good enough to put him over the top.

The Times poll is particularly bleak for Trump, and even more worrisome for him, its underlying methodology, which involves "weighting" the sample to party registration and not just demographic factors, is a relatively Trump-friendly approach. ...

The RealClearPolitics average says Biden is up by 10.1 percentage points.

The FiveThirtyEight polling average says Biden is up by 9.8 points.

The Economist popular vote model says Biden is up by "only" 8.4 points.

Of course, the real election is decided in the Electoral College, but with numbers like these, the Electoral College can't save you.
Okay. ... The key problem with these polls (and all the ones we'll see from now until November) is that the election will not be fair. Cheating will occur; cheating already has occurred, in various forms of vote suppression. No matter what the official vote totals are, it will neither match the intent of the votes cast nor the results if everyone who can vote was allowed to vote.

And with that . . .
@#*% The Heck?

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