Friday, June 19, 2020

Facebook Deletes Trump Campaign Ads For Violating Policy "Against Organized Hate"

With more than 42 million Americans out of work and an economy in ruins because of his non-existent response to a worldwide pandemic that has killed nearly 125,000 Americans in less than four months, and millions of people in the streets every day for weeks in cities from coast to coast protesting police terrorism and his overall incompetence, and with literally nothing to point to as even a minor accomplishment after almost four years in office, what can the impeached Donald Trump do to boost support for his sinking re-election hopes?

How about tweet doctored propaganda footage, tell outlandish lies about mail-in voting to suppress turnout, use Nazi symbols in campaign ads, demand TV networks apologize for reporting how many people don't like him, praise and encourage police brutality, order the National Guard to assault peaceful protesters with tear-gas and projectiles for a photo op, use 250 members of the military as his personal security and intimidation force, file lawsuits against authors and insult them (but not actually deny what was written), defend treasonous, slavery-supporting generals who waged war on America, schedule campaign events in cities which just happen to have massacres of black Americans in their histories, and intentionally put the lives of thousands of Americans at risk of serious illness or death simply to boost his flaccid ego?

And that's the stuff Trump is doing in public. Who the hell knows what's going on behind the scenes?

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