Saturday, June 20, 2020

Coronapalooza: Six Trump Staffers In Tulsa Test Positive For COVID-19

The day of Donald Trump's MEGA-MAGA Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is off to a great start.

Six members of Trump advance planning team in Tulsa tested positive for COVID-19. See, that's where they messed up. If those people had not been tested, as per Dr. Trump's logic, they would not have tested positive.

The local police are arresting people wearing "I Can't Breathe" shirts, but ignoring people waving swasitkas. And it turns out that human sacrifices to appease the gods [sic] is not a thing of the ancient past.
On a day Trump should be happy, basking in the glow of cheers and chants from the members of his Death Cult, he seems, instead, extra oddly unhinged.

I mean, what the fuck is all this?

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