Monday, June 22, 2020

Blue Terrorism: Ohio Cops Pepper-Spray A Double Amputee, Remove And Steal His Prosthetic Legs; Protesters Risk Their Lives, Chasing After The Cops To Retrieve His Legs

Again, the police are committing these crimes knowing their violent attacks on innocent people are being recorded and broadcast and shared around the world. Either they don't care because they believe they are above the law or extreme and inhumane violence is so ingrained that it's impossible to stop - most likely, both.

The US's police force is an out-of-control, heavily-armed gang of terrorists, intent on brutalizing anyone in their way, whether part of a protest or not, spurred on by the cheers of the nation's president to attack the disabled and the elderly, beat random black men, gas children and journalists, ignore all laws and orders from city mayors, and shoot anyone who informs others of their basic rights.

This continues every day and night, across the country . . .

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