Thursday, June 04, 2020

110,000+ Dead In 3 Months, 40+ Million Unemployed, Military & Police Violently Enforcing Curfews In Cities Across The Country: "We're Doing Very Well."

The "Proof And Information And Proof" Edition
Donald Trump plays his greatest hits:
If you look at what happened in Minnesota, they were getting decimated, and after three days of watching it, I demanded that the National Guard be utilized, and in one day, it was over. ... Minnesota was really, really having a hard time, and we took care of it. ... You saw the police were running in Minneapolis, and they were running away from their precinct, which is something I've never seen before. You have a liberal mayor that, frankly, was having a lot of trouble, and you have a very liberal mayor in New York too. Do you notice that all of these places that have problems are not run by Republicans, they're run by Liberal Democrats, so there is something into that philosophy, and yet they're also the ones keeping everybody locked up in their apartments and their homes for too long a period of time, so it's very interesting how that changes ... the National Guard, we could solve that problem in New York, and in fact, if they don't get their act straightened out, I will solve it. I'll solve it fast. ...

[T]hey're violent people in many cases. You have protesters, but you also have anarchists and looters. A lot of people that are bad people. A lot of bad people. We have a lot of proof and information and proof. You'll be seeing it in time to come where they're delivering rocks and stones to certain locations and dumping them, so they have — That's their ammunition, and that hurts people very badly, including National Guard people or even military people. But Washington is in great shape. We called out the National Guard after the first night, which was a little bit rougher, but then after that, we called up, and we have, I jokingly said, a little bit jokingly maybe, it's one of the safest places on earth. We had no problem all last night. We had substantial dominant force, and we have to have a dominant force. Maybe it doesn't sound good to say it, but you have to have a dominant force. We need law and order. ...

There's so much fake news. Most news is fake. They're corrupt, and they're fake, the lamestream media. ...

I figured I was going to walk over the church very nearby. ... I'm standing in front of a church that went through trauma, to put it mildly. I mean, the whole basement, a big part of the basement was burning. It's very lucky that church didn't burn down. ... It had received a very bad burning. I would have been able to go inside if I wanted to, but it was boarded up. The whole building was just about boarded up, but I would have been able to go in, but there's no reason for it. It was smoke, a lot of smoke and a lot of damage, actually, a lot of damage, but it was confined to one area. The fire itself was confined to one area. ...

I'm doing very well with African Americans and with the vote, in polls and everything, especially I've been — I haven't seen one very recently because you had the plague come in from China, so that changed things up, but we had the best economy ever, we have the best numbers for African American on employment and unemployment in history, best home ownership, best everything. We had the best numbers in everything, not only African-American, but the African American numbers were great. ...

I mean, obviously, that was a terrible thing. I've spoken about it numerous times ... I spoke about it when we launched a very successful rocket, a tremendous program that culminated on that day, and now, obviously, it goes on from there, but I then made a speech, and it was a speech about the rocket, and I devoted 25% of the speech, probably, to what happened, or more, to what happened with respect to George, George Floyd, and it was — Then you — Listen to this. "He doesn't talk about George Floyd." The rocket went off. I then made a speech, and I talked about George Floyd, but they said, "He didn't talk about George Floyd." Half, maybe even almost half of the speech, but a large portion of the speech was devoted exactly to that. With the media, basically, no matter what you do, it's never going to be good enough, but the people understand it, and that's one of the beauties to social media. I mean, I would love not to even bother with social media, but I'm able to get my word out beautifully by social media. ...

[E]verybody has to do better, has to do better. This is a long-term problem. This didn't happen today. This happened, I mean — A guy like Sleepy Joe Biden was in there for 43 years. Then he says, "I think we should do this." I saw today he took his mask off for the first time in a while. I haven't seen his face for a long time. He said, "I think we should do this," or, "I think we should do that," and actually, then he started speaking through the mask again. He feels comfortable with a mask on, I think, even though there was nobody anywhere near him, which is interesting, but he made a statement about what he should do. I said, "He's been there for 43 years. He was vice president for eight years. He didn't do a thing." ...

That speech was written for him because he doesn't speak like that. But here's the thing. ... What he did with Clarence Thomas was a disaster. It was a disaster, the way he treated Clarence Thomas, a black man, a great justice ... those horrible days the way he treated Clarence Thomas. They write books about it. There was nobody worse than Biden. ... The Democrats have bad policy ... they're bad politicians because their policy ... take away everybody's guns. They want to take your guns away, except now more people bought guns in the last three, four days than they have in a long time because when they look out on the streets ... Democrats want to take the guns away.

[In three polls, Biden is beating you by about 10 points.]

I have other polls where I'm winning. ... I have polls. Just like last time, I was losing to Hillary in every state, and I won every state. ... I won places that they didn't even think were pollable. They didn't even want to go bother. We have tremendous support. I've seen many polls. CNN, didn't CNN just have a poll, which they didn't want to use, where I was winning every single swing state? ... I had another poll, and CNN didn't want to use it, so they used another poll where mostly Democrats were polled. ... I don't even think they go out and poll. I think they sit at a desk and say, "Give this number, give that number." That's what happened the last time. ... I saw another poll where I'm winning every swing state, substantially. Why wouldn't I? I built the greatest economy we've ever had. I built the greatest economy in the world in a fairly short period of time, three and a half years. Then the plague came in from China. They shouldn't have let it happen. Not right. It came in from China. ... I built this great economy, and I'm building it again, Brian. By the time of election, I believe the economy will be doing phenomenal numbers, big job increases, big GDP increases, and that'll be before the election. I also think by the end of the year, we'll have a vaccine. We're doing very well. ... I think we're going to have cures, so we're going to be in very good shape ... Right now, by the way, the numbers came out today, and they were much better than anybody would have thought. The stock market is booming. The stock market is at 26,000, almost 26,000 right now, the Dow, and who would think that because people know, and we're going to have a great year next year. It's going to be a phenomenal year. We're going to have a very good third quarter. We're going to have a phenomenal fourth quarter. If I'm heading in that direction, I think we're going to be very hard to beat, frankly, because Sleepy Joe ...

China was having, before the plague, China was having the worst year they've had in 66 years. That's because of me ... I did a great trade deal, but you know what, I'm not excited about anything with respect to China right now because of what happened. They could have sealed it. They could have closed it off. I ask this. Why is it Wuhan? It came out of Wuhan. Why is it that it didn't go to China but it went to the rest of the world? It went to Europe. It went to the world. It went to the United States. Came out of it, but it didn't go to Beijing. It didn't go to other parts of China. What's that all about? How come they let it go out to the world, but they didn't let it go into China? That's a little strange deal going on there. ...
"the whole basement ... a big part of the basement ... a lot of damage ... a lot of damage ... but it was confined to one area"

"I spoke about it ... I devoted 25% of the speech ... or more ... Half ... almost half of the speech ... a large portion of the speech"

"great economy ... I'm building it again ... economy will be doing phenomenal ... big job increases, big GDP increases ... before the election ... we'll have a vaccine ... we're going to have cures ... stock market is booming ... we're going to have a great year next year ... a phenomenal year ... a very good third quarter ... a phenomenal fourth quarter ... we're going to be very hard to beat"


China "could have sealed it ... could have closed it off"

And Trump could have done something back in November 2019 when he was first warned.

Or in December 2019, when he was warned several more times by US intelligence agencies.

Or in January 2020, by which time he had heard dozens of warnings that millions of Americans could die.

Or in February 2020, when he said he had "shut down" the virus and the number of US cases would be down to zero "within a few days".

Or in March 2020, when he said the virus would magically vanish "like a miracle" in April.

Throughout April and May 2020, Trump never presented a plan for anything. He actively prevented states from saving the lives of their citizens. (Mike Pence said the virus would be "behind us" by Memorial Day.)

It's now June 2020 and Trump doesn't even pretend to care about the pandemic. He's accusing Democrats of "keeping everybody locked up in their apartments and their homes for too long".

US: 1,920,000+ cases. 110,000+ deaths. The protests will likely cause a spike in new cases.

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