Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Tuesday, May 5 (Part 1): Donald Trump's Alternate Universe — Incoherence, Paranoia, Self-Aggrandizement, Diminishing Mental Stability — Population: 1

The "One Thing That The Pandemic Has Taught Us Is That I Was Right" Edition

A New Hoax!

"Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Not A Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax."
"Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protesting Is Bad. ..."
(I Think We Know What Comes Next.)

As This Happens . . .

Trump Is Focused Like A Laser . . .

It's so reassuring to hear the measured, straight talk of a sane man during a crisis.

Also, the US military finally has some bullets.

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