Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tuesday, May 26: Donald Trump's Alternate Universe — Incoherence, Paranoia, Self-Aggrandizement, Diminishing Mental Stability

The "Let's Shoot Up Some Insulin!" Edition

Trump Tweeted Some Lies About Mail-In Voting This Morning.
Twitter Tagged Two Tweets With A Link To The Facts.
Trump (Predictably) Threw A Temper Tantrum.

Clicking those links brings you to a page with this information:

Trump did not like that, so he pretended to draw a line in the sand like some tin-pot dictator.

Twitter took an extremely small first step. The note from Twitter says "Get the facts...", but it does not indicate in any way that the tweet in question is untrue. It's not even warning readers. In fact, it could be seen as an endorsement, piggybacking on Trump's tweet by directing the reader to more facts.

Twitter should put "There are lies in this tweet!" in a bright red font. Actually, Trump's Twitter account should be deleted and he should receive a lifetime ban. That's exactly what would have happened to you or I many years ago if we had violated Twitter's rules and regulations with the frequency Trump does.

What Else?

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