Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday, April 14: The Donald Trump Shit Show, Featuring Non-Stop Lies And Childish Insults, Starring The Most Mentally Ill Person In Government

From Monday:

Rick Wilson, The Daily Beast, April 14, 2020:
If you watched President Donald Trump's daily press briefing Monday, you know that even by his abysmal standards this was the loudest siren yet, a warning that the man occupying the Oval Office is more suited to a very long, involuntary stay in an inpatient mental-health facility than the presidency of the United States.

It wasn't presidential leadership. It wasn't executive power made manifest. It wasn't a grown-ass adult facing a serious crisis. It was an angry, needy man not looking outward to the needs of a nation in crisis but inward, and downward.

Anyone—and I mean anyone—who tells you Monday's presser was anything other than a complete meltdown shitshow on the top of the dumpster fire at the peak of Burning-Tire Mountain is a liar.
Tuesday's Nightmare: The "If You Keep Talking, I'll Leave" Edition:

The CDC estimates between 250,000 and 450,000 people get Lyme disease every year. ... People know about it.
From Fact Check: Read this and this.
Also a good statement to the 26,000+ dead Americans, whose blood will soak Trump's hands for eternity:
"Who cares? If you can't be here, that's too bad."
The United States suffered the most deaths in a single day during the coronavirus pandemic: 2,407.
Total deaths: 26,945. ... Total cases: 613,371.
New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo does not agree with Trump's claim of absolute power as dictator of the US. (Trump also 'changed his mind'. Possessing total authority leaves him vulnerable to blame. Can't have that.)

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