Monday, April 20, 2020

"Trump Golf" Video Claims Drinking A Fifth Of Vodka Every Day Will "Kill The Coronavirus"

Trump Golf, one of Donald Trump's companies, posted a video on Twitter less than two weeks ago in which professional golfer (and recovering alcoholic) John Daly says that drinking a bottle of vodka every day "kills" the coronavirus.
I kind of got a cure for this. I only drink one drink a day, it just happens to be a bottle. Of good old Belvedere. You know, you just drink one of these a day — you know, sippy-sippy on a little McDonald's Diet Coke, you know, wash it down pretty good. Never have a hangover. And that's the way you kill this coronavirus, I believe.
The World Health Organization: "Consuming alcohol will not destroy the virus, and its consumption is likely to increase the health risks if a person becomes infected with the virus."

In 2017, Daly played golf with Trump and visited the White House.


Idaho Representative Heather Scott compared Governor Brad Little to Adolf Hitler last Thursday, saying the stay-at-home orders imposed during the coronavirus pandemic are "no different" than the Nazis putting Jews on trains to extermination camps.
[W]hen you have government telling you that your business is essential or non-essential, yours is non-essential and someone else's is essential, we have a problem there. I mean, that's no different than Nazi Germany where you had government telling people either you were an essential worker or a non-essential worker, and the non-essential workers got put on a train. ... You can't take away people's lives and property without compensation, and that's exactly what he would be doing. I mean, they are already calling him Little Hitler — Gov. Little Hitler.


Imagine what the difference is between Hannity and an non-Fox news show.

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