Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Tuskegee Experiment Lives On At A Nursing Home In Texas, Where The Republican Party's Former Vice Chairman Is Giving Elderly Residents Hydroxychloroquine Without Their Consent (Which He Claims Is Both Legal And Common Practice)

NPR reports that a doctor at a Texas nursing home has been giving elderly patients diagnosed with Covid-19 the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine without their consent.

Robin Armstrong, the medical director of The Resort at Texas City and a prominent GOP activist, called his project merely an "observational study". He defended himself by pointing out that the "overwhelming majority [of test subjects] can actually have a conversation". And, look, only a few are suffering from dementia.

Armstrong also claimed it's common for physicians to prescribe medications without consent from either the patient or family members. "It's not required," he said. He assured NPR that "no one is worse than when they started."

This GOP activist got the drugs after calling Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who reached out to Texas state Sen. Bryan Hughes, also a Republican, who knew someone on the board of Amneal Pharmaceutical. Two days later ... it was guinea pig time at The Resort.

Armstrong was elected as the Republican National Committeeman from Texas in June 2012. He served as vice chairman of the Republican Party of Texas from 2006-2010. But, of course, Armstrong denied politics had anything to do with his decision to act like a scientist at Dachau or Buchenwald. They likely would have not argued with their work being described as "observational studies", as well.

The nursing home was cited for 14 violations in a July 2019 inspection, including not properly caring for residents needing special services, including injections, colostomy, ureterostomy, ileostomy, tracheostomy care, tracheal suctioning, respiratory care, foot care, and prostheses; not storing, cooking, or serving food in a safe and clean way; and not being a facility designed, built, equipped, or well-kept to protect the health and safety of residents, workers, and the public.

It sounds like a wonderful establishment.

(P.S.: History!)

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