Friday, April 10, 2020

Swedish Doctors Stopped Using Chloroquine After It Was Discovered To Cause Blindness

Harper's Weekly Review, April 9, 2020:
The Secret Service cited an "emergency order" and signed a $45,000 contract to rent a fleet of golf carts in Sterling, Virginia, home to one of President Trump's golf clubs, where, despite a statewide lockdown, golfing is still allowed as long as golfers stay six feet apart. ...

Swedish hospitals stopped treating coronavirus patients with chloroquine after it was discovered that the drug causes blindness ...

The government of Malaysia instructed women not to be sarcastic with their husbands during the lockdown. ...

It was reported that American Airlines confined all 11 passengers on a flight to the last three rows of the airplane, explaining that they had only bought basic economy tickets and that spreading them out "would be an upgrade" ...

A medieval manuscript was discovered with the earliest known usage of the word "fuck."

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