Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Harper's Weekly Review (April 29, 2020)

Harper's Magazine, April 29, 2020:
It was reported that in January, the Department of Health and Human Services' initial pick to head the U.S. pandemic task force was a former Labradoodle breeder. ...

New York City shut down its social distancing "snitch line" after the 3-1-1 text line was bombarded with pictures of penises and Adolf Hitler. ...

After stealing over 300 pounds of flour from a warehouse, a Chilean man was apprehended when the police followed a trail of flour to his home. ...

Police officers in Spain fined a man for taking his goldfish on a walk ...

Thailand's environment minister traveled to a zoo to demand that it stop making a chimpanzee ride a bike through the premises, spraying disinfectant ...

In Florida, officials removed from a highway an alligator that was "being aggressive with traffic" ...

New images from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico indicated that an asteroid that will fly by Earth next week has the shape of a face mask.

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