Thursday, April 23, 2020

Fox Anchors Are Still On Drugs

One lawsuit has already been filed against Fox "News" for its constant incorrect information concerning unproven drugs for COVID-19 and more lawsuits are most certainly in the works. Fox's anchors suddenly stopped hyping the drug hydroxychloroquine at the same time it was removed from Donald Trump's word salad bar. That was not a coincidence.

Clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine in France, Sweden, and Brazil were all stopped because of dangerous side effects. The UK has stopped prescribing the drug for COVID-19 pending further trials.

[D]ozens of heart incidents [have been] linked to an anti-malaria drug ... hyped as a possible treatment for the coronavirus. Data released by France's drug safety agency showed 43 cases of heart incidents linked to hydroxychloroquine ... France has recorded 100 health incidents and four fatalities linked to experimental drugs for those with the coronavirus since late March. Three other patients had to be revived, and 82 incidents were considered "serious." The incidents were roughly evenly split between hydroxychloroquine and HIV antivirals lopinavir-ritonavir.
[The drug Trump called a "game changer"] didn't help hospitalized patients with coronavirus and was associated with heart complications, according to a new study.  "This provides evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not apparently treat patients with Covid 19," said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious disease specialist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "Even worse, there were side effects caused by the drug -- heart toxicities that required it be discontinued."
Hospitals in Sweden have stopped using the malaria drug chloroquine on coronavirus patients after reports it was causing blinding headaches and vision loss. Doctors in the Vastra Gotaland region, 200 miles west of Stockholm, are no longer administering the medication ... A number of patients at hospitals in the county reported suffering cramps, peripheral vision loss and migraines within days of being prescribed the tablets. For one in 100 people, chloroquine can also cause the heart to beat too fast or slow, which can lead to a fatal heart attack.
Too high a dose of the anti-malarial agent chloroquine can cause severe cardiac arrhythmia in certain patients. Tests on COVID-19 patients in the United States and Brazil have shown increased fatalities. ... [A]ccording to the latest, albeit not peer reviewed, US research, the malaria drug is largely ineffective in combating the coronavirus. Not only that, but in a direct comparison, the mortality rate after treatment with hydroxychloroquine is significantly higher at 28 percent. In COVID-19 patients who were treated without the malaria drug, the mortality rate was eleven percent. The researchers evaluated the case files of 368 patients at US hospitals for military veterans.
Amazingly, Fox has again ramped up its disinformation and outright lies.

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