Friday, March 27, 2020

What. A. Moron.

The Master of Projection. ... The fucking Master. ... Undefeated. ... Never seriously challenged. ... And every waking moment, acting as though this entire worldwide emergency is all about him.

Half-Whit. Get it? ... There's no way he thought that up himself.

I'll sign the single-biggest economic relief package in American history and, I must say, or any other package, by the way. It's twice as large as any relief ever signed. … Nothing like that. … This historic bill includes … $3,400 for a typical family of four. So a family of four: $3,400. … [Will that cover rent/mortgage payment and food for even one month? That's questionable. And even if it does, what do families do in Week 5?] So, things like this have never happened in our country. [It's not a thing to be proud of] …

We've had tremendous results on the respirators. [Lie] We've had great results on just about everything we're talking about. [Lie] … And the ventilators, which is probably the most difficult because it's like — it's like building a car … are going to be built and we have them under contract and we have fast deliveries [Lie, probably]. As you know, we delivered thousands to New York. And unfortunately — they were delivered to a warehouse … unfortunately, they didn't take them, but now they're taking them. New York is now taking them

I said hello today — I called him — a wonderful guy [Lie], Boris Johnson. As you know, he tested positive. And before he even said hello, he said, "We need ventilators." I said, "Wow. That's a big statement." And hopefully, he's going to be in good shape. I just spoke to Angela Merkel ... She is right now, for a period of two weeks, being forced to stay in her house. So this is just an incredible situation.

Last night, I spoke to President Xi. We talked about the experience that they had in China and … we learned a lot. [Lie] … They're doing well and he's doing well. President Xi is doing very well. But we learned a lot [Lie]

It's the biggest ever — ever approved in Congress: 6.2 bill- — $6.2 trillion. So, you know, we used to get used to the billion. It used to be million, then it was billion, now it's trillion. …

Dr. Fauci, you may want to just say for a minute what hit the world. Something hit the world, and the world maybe will never be the quite same. But we're going to make it a great place anyway. [Lie]

I'm just saying… 20 days ago [Lie] — a couple of days longer than that [Lie], maybe [Lie] — we had a smooth-running, beautiful machine. [Lie] We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. [Lie] We had the highest stock price we've ever seen. [Lie] It went up, I think, 151 times during the course of the presidency. [Lie] And then we got hit by the invisible enemy, and we got hit hard. … And all of the things that are happening, it's hard to believe what's gone on just in a short period of time. …

But just to think how life can change where you go, 20 to 22 days ago [Lie], everything is perfect [Lie], we're looking forward. I'm saying, "When are we going to hit 30,000? I want 30,000." [He's talking about the stock market, not dead bodies. (I think.)] That means more jobs and more everything. [Lie] And then, one day, we get hit with this thing that nobody ever heard of before. [Lie] Nobody ever even heard of before. [Lie] … But I really think, in a fairly short period of time … we're going to be stronger than ever. [Lie] And we'll be protected from a lot of this. [Lie]

And vaccines, cures, therapeutics — whatever you want to call it — it's a lot of progress. And I think on that score, I think we're going to do a lot of progress on vaccines. [Lie] We're making, perhaps, a lot of progress on cures and therapeutics. [Lie]

I think we're going to have a tremendous rebound at the end of the year [Lie] — toward the end of the year. [LieI think we're going to have a rebound like we have never seen before. [Lie] Even now it wants to rebound. [Lie] You can see it, feel it. [Lie] It wants to rebound so badly. [Lie. What the fuck is wrong with you?]And, you know, we've had those really big — I guess, the biggest-ever stock market surge two days ago. [Lie] And yesterday, it was great. [Lie] Three biggest days in the history of the stock market. [Lie] It wants to rebound so badly [Lie], but we have to get rid of the bug, we have to get rid of the virus. … $6.2 trillion. I've never signed anything with a "T" on it. I don't know if I can handle this one … We can't chicken out at this point, can we? … Good. I wanted them to be a nice signature.
He's actually praising himself for signing his name nicely.

Somewhere a five-year-old saw that and wondered why the orange man was acting like a little child.

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