Friday, February 28, 2020

You Are Wondering How Stupid People Can Be ... We May Have Reached The Bottom.

5W Public Relations stated that 38% of Americans wouldn't buy Corona "under any circumstances" because of the outbreak, and another 14% said they wouldn't order a Corona in public. The survey encompasses polling from 737 beer drinkers in the United States.

That's a small sample ... but 52% of those beer drinkers are (at the very least) suspicious. A majority!! ... Also, searches on Google last month for "corona beer virus" skyrocketed.

I'll bet some of those 14% are embarrassed to be seen ordering a Corona in public because it's a shitty beer. Anyway, that story had two good comments:

ActuallyARegular: "You know, Corona virus is fine, but it’s better with a slice of Lyme disease."

While the prevalence of those searches dropped in February, that 5W poll was announced today. (Also: Garth Brooks's shirt.)

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