Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Surprise! There Is A Less-Convincing Liar Than Donald Trump

For someone who lies constantly — roughly 16,000 documented, public lies since being inaugurated — Donald Trump is surprisingly bad at it.

Trump will lie about anything, even if there is no reason to lie. And so many of his lies are blatant, preposterous, and obviously pure nonsense.
"I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president."

"I have proven to be far more correct about terrorism than anybody — and it's not even close."

"I know more about ISIS than the generals do."

"Many people have commented that my fragrance, 'Success' is the best scent & lasts the longest."

"I know more about courts than any human being on Earth."

"I know more about renewables [renewable energy] than any human being on Earth."

"Nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do."

"Nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world."

"Nobody knows more about technology than me."

"Many people have said I'm the world's greatest writer of 140 character sentences."
It turns out there actually is someone who is a less-convincing liar than Donald Trump. ... His son, Eric Trump. ... A tweet from last month:

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