Wednesday, February 19, 2020

After Latest Polls Show Trump Losing To All Democratic Candidates, Trump Says He Has Secret Polls That Show Him Beating Everyone

Jason Easley, Politicus USA, February 19, 2020:
Trump Claims He Has Secret Polls Showing Him Beating All The Democrats

After a new round of polls showed him losing to all of the top Democratic candidates, Trump claimed to have polls showing him winning against everyone.

Trump tweeted:

Internal REAL Polls show I am beating all of the Dem candidates. The Fake News Polls (here we go again, just like 2016) show losing or tied. Their polls will be proven corrupt on November 3rd, just like the Fake News is corrupt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 19, 2020

It is a longstanding rule of political campaigning that if a campaign has good news, they don't keep it hidden. If Trump had real polls showing him beating every single top tier Democrat, those polls would be blasted all over Fox News and Trump's Twitter account.

Trump doesn't have those sort of credible polls because they don't exist.
Also, the 2016 polls were accurate.

The last five polls before the election (including one from Fox News!) all had Trump losing by 3% or 4%.
November 3-6, 2016 (Fox News):                  Clinton 48, Trump 44
November 3-6, 2016 (ABC News/Washington Post):  Clinton 49, Trump 46
November 1-7, 2016 (UPI/CVoter):                Clinton 49, Trump 46
November 4-6, 2016 (Bloomberg/Selzer):          Clinton 46, Trump 43
November 4-7, 2016 (YouGov/The Economist):      Clinton 49, Trump 45
Trump lost the popular vote by 2.1%: Clinton 48.18%, Trump 46.09%.

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