Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Real Question: "How Many Brown People Can Live In America And It Still Be America?"

The Southwest Political Report, June 20, 2018
Donald Trump isn't anti immigrant. He's a White Supremacist. This isn't about immigrants. Melania Trump is an immigrant. This is not about the children of immigrants. Ivanka Trump is the child of an immigrant. Eric Trump is the child of an immigrant. Donald Trump Jr. is the child of an immigrant. Joe Arpaio is the child of immigrants. ... The Klansman Fred Trump was the son of immigrants. ...

This is not about immigration. This is not about the law. This is about the fear of a Brown America. ... [H]ow many Brown people with Spanish last names can live in America and it still be America? This is the question that animates this so called immigration debate. It is the driving force behind it. This is what is meant by infestation. This is what is meant by animals. This is what is meant by drug dealers and rapists. This is what is meant by bad hombres. This is what is meant by calling El Salvador a shithole. This is what drives for the call for a wall. This is what is meant by saying Mexico will pay. ...

The theme of Brown people as a threat to White standards, civility and safety is an old trope in US politics. ... Trump did not make these politics up. But he picked them up and ran with them in a way we have not seen for generations. ...

[This] is about the fear of becoming. This fear of White people being forced to assimilate to a growing population that in regions of the country already outnumber them ...

This isn't about immigration. It never has been. It is about the changing face of America. ...

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